Her Officiant Ended a Friendship

“When I married my [dear husband], one of my closest friends was in seminary. I asked her to stand up for me and bless our marriage during the ceremony. Although I am not particularly religious, my husband is, and I thought it would be meaningful for my dear friend to lend her blessing to our marriage. She acted thrilled to do so and did a lovely job at the ceremony.
Then at the reception, she cornered my new husband and scolded him for marrying me, telling him that since he’s a Christian and I’m not, we were unequally yoked and in the eyes of the Lord should not have married. She then informed him that it was his job as the “head of the family” to bring me to Christ.
I happened to walk up to them just as she finished admonishing him. He was sheet-white but I didn’t learn the full extent of the conversation until later.
I ended the friendship obviously, at which point she tried giving me one of those “I’m sorry if you were offended” apologies. I don’t miss her.”
Story credit: Reddit / @Monalisa9298