The Bride’s Ex-Boyfriend Gave the DJ a Song to Play

“Oh god. This reminds me of a close friend of mine’s wedding.
Known this dude for years, we’ll call him Ray. Meets a girl we’ll call Katie, she already had a daughter, cool right? Was never married to the other dude just didn’t click, very amicable separation. Shared custody of the child, no fighting, no demand for child support, very “perfect worldy.”
Katie was pretty cool, and got along with our friend group pretty well. Soon enough, the old boyfriend she had her daughter with becomes best friends with Ray.
Couple years go by, Ray and Katie decide to get married. And around this time, he confided in me that frequently his best friend I.E. the daughter’s father I’ll name Jeff made references to this girl, and there was some vague evidence of it not being as amicable a separation as it seemed.
Jeff was pretty quiet about his life, and talked about girls pretty often, but we learned later he had actually been holding out for Katie ALL that time.
So assuming Jeff was his best friend, Ray makes him one of the groomsman along with myself at the wedding. Keeps telling Ray about how great Katie is, not to choke, I’m here for you etc.
Ray told him to stop cause he was psyching him out.
So, that song and dance is happening and the ceremony is about to begin. Finally meet back up with my SO at our table, Katie and Jeff’s daughter is playing on the dance floor.
SUDDENLY the music stops, and the DJ says this song is from Jeff to Katie, and says he still loves her, and that it should be him.
Queue “it could’ve been me” by Billy Ray Cyrus BLASTING all over the hall.
Then Jeff goes up and gets on one knee and asks Katie to dance with him and be his wife. She slaps him, Ray loses his [cool] and gets in a fight. Cops got called. Wedding ruined. I noped back to the hotel with my SO and let them all figure it out on their own. They’re divorced now. I was not nearly drunk enough for this wedding.”
Story credit: Reddit